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Indevus licenses rights to market Nebido in US

Indevus will take over the development and commercialization of Nebido, which recently launched in Europe, in the US. Schering will manufacture and supply commercial product to Indevus. Indevus

GTC and Scancell collaborate on cancer antibody

The firms will evaluate the expression of Scancell’s drug using GTC’s transgenic production platform. GTC says its technology offers significant advantages for the development of proteins that are

Cara’s pain killer proves safe

The phase I clinical trial for Cara’s peripherally acting kappa opioid agonist, CR665, demonstrate the treatment to be safe and well-tolerated following intravenous infusion. Furthermore, the resulting plasma

Biolex Therapeutics acquires LemnaGene

LemnaGene has been researching potential applications of lemna, a small aquatic plant, to produce recombinant proteins. Biolex’s Lex System uses lemna as a transgenic host for the development

Genzyme shares up on kidney drug study

The data come from the largest outcomes study ever conducted in the hemodialysis population. The three-year trial involving more than 2,100 patients compared the difference in mortality and