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Optimising Drug Supply and Patient Recruitment

The suite is built using a common analytic platform and has been validated using data from many trials. It will be of high benefit to pharmaceutical companies, CROs and others aiming to maximise the output of their trials by using realistic predictions whilst minimising costs.

Our drug supply tool computes the amount of supply needed to cover patient demand with a given risk of stock-out through realistic modelling of patient randomization process in sites/depots accounting for treatment allocations, number of sites/depots and supply chain logistics. This tool has been shown to drastically reduce the amount of drug waste whilst ensuring an adequate supply to sites, saving tens of millions of dollars when applied to multiple trials.

Our patient recruitment tool provides realistic data-driven predictions of the number of recruited patients over time (with predictive bounds), the overall recruitment time and evaluates at any time the optimal number of sites needed to complete recruitment in time. The tool also enables adjustment to recruitment plans, evaluates future performance of low recruiting sites and comparing in real time many scenarios. This has been shown to improve dramatically the reliability of prediction and reduce cost relating to prolonged recruitment times.

The suite equips teams with the powerful predictive tools and hugely increases capabilities for improving efficiency of planning and monitoring patient recruitment and drug supply in clinical trials.