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Taisho licenses stroke drug from medical college

The Japanese firm Taisho Pharmaceutical has licensed a new drug designed to prevent brain damage in stroke victims from the Medical College of Wisconsin Research Foundation.

The new treatment was co-developed in the laboratories at the Medical College in cooperation with Taisho scientists. The Research Foundation awarded Taisho exclusive world-wide rights to further develop and commercialize the drug.

The drug has been shown to help control blood vessel dilation which can result in saving brain tissue from damage. “The drug will now enter the path toward approval for use in humans by the FDA,” said Dr William Hendee, president of the College’s Research Foundation.

The Foundation patents intellectual property generated by the faculty and staff at the Medical College and licenses it in line with its mission to commercialize as many inventions as possible to help patients. The Foundation is wholly-owned and housed within the Medical College.

Taisho is the leading over-the-counter drug company in Japan and has also been strengthening its R&D efforts including development of its research infrastructure in the area of prescription drugs.