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Positive trial for Conrad’s contraceptive gel

Conrad's vaginal contraceptive gel, Ushercell, has produced promising results in a phase II study.

The contraceptive gel containing 6% cellulose sulfate is also being developed to prevent sexually transmitted infections including HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infections. Previous clinical safety studies have shown Ushercell to be safe for use by women and their male sexual partners.

The chance of pregnancy in six months among typical users of Ushercell was 13.4%, while the chance of pregnancy in six menstrual cycles of perfect use of the gel was 3.9%.

These figures compare favorably with pregnancy probabilities for nonoxynol-9 (N-9), the only vaginal contraceptive drug marketed in the US. In a recent study, N-9 gels had six month typical use pregnancy probabilities ranging from 14% to 22.2%, depending on the dose of N-9, and six cycle perfect use probabilities ranged from 8.5% to 15.7%.

“The data results are very promising. With its strong safety profile and these encouraging efficacy results, we remain confident in our development plan for Ushercell,” said Dr Henry Gabelnick, executive director of Conrad.