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Stem Cell Therapeutics progresses stroke study

Stem Cell Therapeutics, in collaboration with Medicon, has completed patient dosing in the phase I clinical study of the investigational compound NTx-265 in stroke.

According to Stem Cell Therapeutics (SCT), analysis and reporting of the phase I trial is anticipated within the first quarter of 2006. The study is expected to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug candidate, exploring its safety and efficaciously in stroke patients

“We are extremely pleased to be nearing completion of this trial and look forward to graduating NTx-265 to the next phase of clinical development. Pending evaluation of the results, this pharmacokinetic study will support translation of SCT’s NTx-265 stroke therapy into phase II trials in the near future” said Dr Allen Davidoff, vice president of product development at SCT.

Stroke, which is the third leading cause of death in the US and second worldwide, has an incidence of 700,000 victims in the US each year, reports SCT. The American Heart Association estimated the economic costs in the US at $56.8 billion for 2005.

Because of the lack of effective therapies currently available, it is estimated that less than 4% of stroke patients are treated with interventional drugs.