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Innocoll to test LiquiColl as gene delivery vehicle

Pennsylvania-based Innocoll has entered into a collaboration with the University of Iowa to evaluate the utility of its LiquiColl technology as a gene delivery vehicle for the treatment of certain cancers.

LiquiColl is a liquefied collagen gel developed for tissue engineering and localized delivery of therapeutic agents. It is comprised of native fibrillar collagen dispersed and stabilized in buffered saline according to a proprietary manufacturing process. It can be injected into post-operative or post-traumatic cavities and other tissue defects such fistulas, canals, and diverse porous structures including osteoporotic bones.

LiquiColl can also be applied topically as a semi-liquid filling material and matrix for the treatment of diverse skin lesions, wounds, and burns.

Under the terms of the agreement, the University of Iowa will evaluate application of the LiquiColl technology as a gene delivery vehicle in the treatment of urologic cancers such as prostate cancer and renal cell carcinoma.

“Early studies in tumor model systems indicate that LiquiColl enhances gene delivery and augments tumor immunity,” said Timothy Ratliff, professor of prostate cancer research at the University of Iowa.