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Cortex investigates Alzheimer’s drug

Scientists at Cortex Pharmaceuticals are investigating a class of pharmaceuticals that may improve memory function, including those with Alzheimer's disease, and address some of the underlying causes of memory loss rather than today's drugs that simply treat symptoms.

The company has begun enrollment into a phase II study into its lead compound, CX-717, in this indication.

CX-717 is expected to treat the memory and thinking disorders associated with mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease as well as other disorders. It is believed that loss of connections between brain cells is responsible for memory loss. Ampakine compounds, of which CX-717 is one, are said to increase the signal strength at those connections.

Ampakines are designed to compensate for deterioration of AMPA-receptor mediated brain activity in patients with Alzheimer’s and other disorders. Ampakines may also increase the amount of certain growth factors in the brain, which, in turn, may help treat the underlying causes of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

“We believe our drugs can be disease modifying therapies in contrast to the currently available symptomatic treatments,” says Dr Roger Stoll, the CEO of Cortex Pharmaceuticals.