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Researchers uncover ion channels in embryonic stem cells

Scientists have discovered the presence of functional ion channels in human embryonic stem cells, a finding that could be the first step to understanding how to prevent tumor growth using transplanted cells with selectively blocked ion channels.

These ion channels act like electrical wires and permit embryonic stem cells (ESCs), versatile cells that possess the unique ability to become all cell types of the body, to conduct and pass along electric currents. If researchers could selectively block some of these channels in implanted cells, derived from stem cells, they may be able to prevent potential tumor development.

“A major concern for human ESC-based therapies is the potential for engineered grafts to go haywire after transplantation and form tumors, for instance, due to contamination by only a few undifferentiated human ESCs,” said Dr Ronald Li, an assistant professor of medicine at The Johns Hopkins University and senior author of the study.

“Our discovery of functional ion channels, which are valves in a cell’s outer membrane allowing the passage of charged atoms, the basis of electricity, provides an important link to the differentiation, or maturation, and cell proliferation, or growth of human ESCs.”

Because human ESCs can potentially provide an unlimited supply of even highly specialized cells, such as brain and heart cells, for transplantation and cell-based therapies, they may provide an ultimate solution to limited donor availability.

During the study, the researchers measured the electric currents of single human ESCs, discovered several channels that allow and control passage of potassium, and observed the electric current’s effect on cell differentiation and proliferation.

“In a number of different cell types, from cancer to T-lymphocytes, potassium channels are responsible for altering the membrane voltage of cells,” said Li. “This in turn is required for the progression of certain cells into the next phase of a cell cycle.” Li hopes the targeting of specific potassium channels will give scientists more understanding and control in engineering healthy cells for transplantation.