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Easton Pharmaceuticals launches first three OTC products

Easton Pharmaceuticals has successfully launched its first 3 OTC Products at the recently attended Total Health Show and Yoga Show, proceeds towards completion of its 2014 year end audit.

Easton is pleased to announce that its first 3 main OTC products (Viorra, Skin Renou HA and Kenestrin Gel) are now ready to be ordered directly through its distributor Nutrashop Global Stores and on Eastons own website by the end of the week.

The products received extremely favorable reviews at the first two trade shows and was one of the top selling exhibitors out of the estimated 300 hundred in attendance. The company’s proprietary gel formulation is an innovative and unique transdermal delivery system, currently incorporated into 3 of its OTC therapeutic products with near term plans for another 3 products.

Easton Pharmaceuticals’ VIORRA product, is an over-the-counter aid for the treatment to restore and improve vaginal moisture and elasticity which has a very positive effect on women’s sexual desire and arousal, FSAD (Female Sexual Arousal Disorder) the world market for these female conditions are in excess of $2 billion.

VIORRA is a topical, daily-use product classified by the FDA as containing Generally Recognized as Safe ingredients. Kenestrin Gel is a pain relieving gel designed to help relieve pain associated with arthritis and other types of pain including lower back where initial feedback on effectiveness has been positive. Skin Renou HA drew the biggest initial response at the health show due to the broad volume of samples made available which has resulted in many inquiries for distribution.

Now that the products have been launched and are ready to ship, BMV Medica SA, its partners in Mexico and Latin America, is now able to distribute the products through its broad distribution channels in the region to coincide with the previously announced distribution agreement where Easton and BMV are the sole exclusive distributors in Mexico for the VS-Sense woman’s diagnostic patented product which is currently being sold throughout North America.

In other developments, Easton pharmaceuticals has finalized and filed its 2014 yearend financial statements and is now providing all documentation to its auditor to have the statements fully audited and certified.

The audit is required for various reasons, including a tier 2 SEC filing which was recently revised by the SEC, where OTC listed companies can raise up to $20 Million with audited financial statements and up to $5 Million with unaudited financial statements.

Easton has received a financing commitment from New York based MacAllan Partners LLC., who have previously financed Easton Pharmaceuticals for $1 Million. Once approved by the SEC, the financing can be drawn down at Easton’s discretion, if and when needed.

In other developments, Easton will soon announce details on negotiations towards possibly expanding its exclusive distribution agreement on the VS-Sense patented woman’s diagnostic products including other diagnostic products, and to other approved drugs in select countries.

Easton and BMV believe the VS-Sense diagnostic products will be very successful, profitable and represents a unique opportunity for its growth prospects where 1 in 3 woman will require such a test at some point in their lives.