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OSI Systems Signs Partnership Agreement For Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Software

Spacelabs to promote and offer for sale the dabl ABPM software

OSI Systems has announced that its Healthcare division, Spacelabs Healthcare, has entered into an agreement with Irish software firm, dabl. Under the terms of the agreement, Spacelabs will promote and offer for sale the dabl 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) software in conjunction with its ambulatory blood pressure monitors to general practitioners and pharmacies in the UK and Italy.

Deepak Chopra, CEO of OSI Systems, said: This new partnership with dabl, initially for the United Kingdom and Italy, enables primary healthcare practitioners and local pharmacies the ability to provide fast, reliable and interpretive reports to dramatically help improve patient care and management.

The dabl ABPM system automatically interprets the data making this important investigation accessible to general practice and pharmacy and improving the overall standard of reporting. The company claims that the combined 24-hour blood pressure measurement solution from dabl and Spacelabs provides a real solution to address the potential errors and inaccuracies that can be associated with traditional blood pressure measurement.