Advertisement University of California completes Pterostilbene study to prevent skin damage from UV exposure - Pharmaceutical Business review
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University of California completes Pterostilbene study to prevent skin damage from UV exposure

ChromaDex, an innovative natural products company that provides proprietary ingredients and science-based solutions to the dietary supplement, food and beverage, animal health, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, has announced the completion of an animal skincare study of pterostilbene by researchers at The University of California Irvine (UCI).

The study demonstrating that topical application of pterostilbene onto mouse skin, prior to UV exposure, prevented several types of UV-mediated damage. Specifically, pterostilbene prevented UV-mediated DNA damage, reddening of the skin, hyperplasia and loss of barrier function. Also of note, a comparative study demonstrated pterostilbene was superior to resveratrol for all endpoints of the study. It is planned that detailed results of the study will be forthcoming in an appropriate scientific venue or publication.

ChromaDex licensed from UCI exclusive rights to several patent applications for the use of pterostilbene in topical skin care applications, including the use of pterostilbene in the prevention of UV skin damage.

ChromaDex’s branded nature identical pterostilbene, pTeroPure, is an anti-oxidant found in berries and nuts. It was named the 2010 North American Most Promising Ingredient of the Year by the independent research company Frost & Sullivan. Pterostilbene belongs to a group of compounds called stilbenoids which are produced by plants as part of their natural defense systems.

The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Frank Meyskens, Professor of Medicine, Biological Chemistry, Public Health and Epidemiology at UCI, stated, "Skin cancer has the highest incidence rate in humans of any cancer and remains a huge public health issue. The robust prevention of UV-mediated damage by pterostilbene observed in our study was remarkable. We are pleased to be working with ChromaDex on continuing this area of research and translating our findings into practical uses with potentially extraordinary benefits to human health."

A short video of Dr. Meyskens speaking about pterostilbene research at UCI can be viewed at:

Frank Jaksch, CEO and Founder of ChromaDex, stated, "The use of pterostilbene to protect the skin from UV damage is an exciting area of research and has significant potential in commercial applications in both skin care and UV protection. We are pleased to continue expanding the intellectual property rights regarding pterostilbene as well as support the research efforts of our partners at UCI."