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Leading Insight and Pharmawire Intelligence

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BioPharm Product and Services

Infinata supports a wide range of needs of the industry and related products and services through our comprehensive BioPharm Solutions Suite. Learn more about how we can help you:

Business Development

Infinata’s essential business development resources enable biopharma sales professionals to easily navigate a crowded marketplace and focus on deals they know they can close.

CROs and service providers identify companies with urgent needs for their services and meet the key contacts who will ultimately make a purchasing decision while biopharma companies discover licensing and potential M&A deals.

Market Intelligence

Proprietary forward-looking intelligence provides actionable insight direct from subject matter experts which mainstream news sources simply cannot provide. Together with our massive database of market analytics profiling companies, drugs, indications, forecasts and more, this intelligence provides clients with an undisputed competitive edge.

Clinical Operations

Support your clinical operations team with exclusive and powerful tools summarizing everything you need to know about the clinical landscape for your indication. Benchmark milestones during site feasibility, identify reliable sites and investigators around the world, and improve overall trial management with a solution proven to increase quality and reduce time and cost.

Investment Ideas

Capitalize on the future by finding ideal investment opportunities and market-moving events months or even years before your competition. Actionable forward-looking intelligence and detailed analytics provide financial markets firms with an indispensable information edge.

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