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DryLab HPLC Method Development Software

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DryLab®4 Core Software


DryLab® Core Software combines over 30 years of HPLC expertise with the latest software technologies, offering state-of-the-art modeling packages for method development, optimization, trouble shooting, robustness testing and training.


  • Improved data import, advanced peak tracking tools, and multi-dimensional model calculation in a single software package
  • Easy discovery of the optimal robustness conditions in minimal time
  • Evaluation of the influence of flow rate, column dimensions, gradient, and instrument parameters, without further experimentation
  • Multi-factorial modeling and visualization of critical resolution and selectivity changes, allowing for excellent transparency and flexibility
  • Includes ColumnMatch®, a column database containing over 500 commercially available columns, for evaluating equivalent and orthogonal stationary phases in a systematic way


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