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Cerba Research

Clinical Trial Management Services for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies

More info about Cerba Research

From Routine to Esoteric Testing

Cerba Research

Having state-of-the-art facilities and the latest technologies enables BARC to offer almost any biomarker to enable efficient clinical studies and novel approached to meeting unmet clinical needs.

Having access to both internal biomarker capabilities coupled with the facilities at Cerba puts BARC at a distinct advantage of being able to focus on research and development. Currently BARC conducts more than 2000 different tests across its laboratories and at all stages of the clinical spectrum. An overview of our testing capabilities is provided in our test menu. For information about additional tests that may not appear on the menu, please contact us at Our extensive testing menu also means that very few samples get sent out to third party labs ensuring faster TAT at lower costs.

We perform analyses from routine to esoteric testing in the fields of clinical chemistry, hematology, urinanalysis, coagulation, toxicology, infectious diseases, serology, allergy, immunology, flow cytometry, and pharmacogenomics. Molecular diagnostics and DNA extraction services are also available.

In addition to the extensive menu of safety and efficacy testing and pre- and post analytical services, we provide support for technology transfer and the development of specialized assays.

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