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MIC Customs Solutions

MIC INTRA offers you an efficient and cost-effective solution for Intrastat reporting resp. filing in all EU member states.

The European Union has created advantages in customs, such as the repeal of customs formalities at the border among EU member state countries. Despite standardized EU-wide regulations for Intrastat (Statistic reporting for intercommunity shipments) in the 27 EU member states, 27 national authorities must be notified, and in doing so, specific national features must be taken into account.

This is a big challenge – particularly for multinational companies. MIC INTRA is the only software package available that offers you an efficient and cost-effective solution for Intrastat reporting resp. filing in all EU member states. In addition, MIC INTRA permits the conversion of Intrastat data to country specific reporting formats, as well as the reduction of system interfaces and minimization of manual interventions.

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