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More info about Hovione



We provide the following exclusive products and services.

Multi-Scale cGMP Manufacturing

  • Kilo to ton quantities, including synthesis of 100s of gram quantities for pre-IND screening, cGMP production for phase I to phase III clinical studies, NDA validation batches and cGMP production for commercial quantities after NDA approval
  • Multi-scale manufacturing from oral to parenteral use, including sterile bulk
  • Multi-scale manufacturing of regulated intermediates as well as APIs
  • Particle Design
  • cGMP spray drying at all scales
  • Controlled particle size reduction using state-of-the-art technologies
  • Micronization of APIs for oral, topical, injectable and inhalation use

Cleanroom Manufacturing

Process Development R&D


  • Route discovery
  • Process development
  • Proven acceptable range (PAR) studies
  • Process engineering and industrialization


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