VigibaseTM, the searchable WHO ICSR database, contains over 7 million reports from over 100 countries and has been populated since 1968.
VigiBase™, available from Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), is the WHO Global Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) database. With national data from over 100 countries and case reports dating back to 1968, VigiBase™ today contains over seven million ICSRs with more than 100,000 new reports added each quarter.
VigiBase™ data is available via a range of services that cover statistical analyses to report retrieval. They can, for example, help users extract valuable information about the safety profile of their drug products as well as their competitors’. Pharmaceutical companies often use VigiBase™ to acquire data with global coverage and to compare the ADR profile of their products with others.
VigiBase™ experts will help optimize your query, produce the reports you want, and avoid pitfalls, e.g. errors caused by variations in data and coding principles. Customization of query design and inclusion/exclusion criteria is also part of the service.
Overview Reports show the number of reported cases with a specified reaction, a whole System Organ Class, or all reactions listed for individual drugs or ATC group. This information is grouped by reporting country or by year.
"VigiBase™ services help users find valuable information about the safety profile of their drugs as well as their competitors’ products. Expert help is available to optimize queries." |
Reactions are listed by preferred term. A summary gives the result as the total number of reactions for the criteria specified, listed by preferred term. In the ‘by year’ and ‘by country’ reports, reactions are sorted by System
Organ Class.
Detailed Reports show all details of each individual case report of interest. A case report search should preferably be requested when the number of relevant cases in the database is limited since the output volume may otherwise be unmanageable. A number of alternative output formats are available.
These searches are flexible both in terms of question formulation and result presentation. Ad hoc searches are used when none of the pre-defined reports answer the particular needs of a special enquiry, or where interest is focused on specific data elements.
For information on how to get access to VigiBaseTM information, contact