FlexLink production logistics solutions allow manufacturers to achieve full production efficiency. For more than 30 years, FlexLink has provided production logistics solutions to worldwide manufacturing industries.
Based on deep knowledge of material and information flows in production processes, and the specific processes involved, FlexLink knows how to leverage efficiency in today’s industrial production.
In today’s production environment, increasing production volumes, a multitude of variants and increasing quality requirements must be paired with a constant pressure on cost. Common effects of FlexLink’s production logistics solutions are reduced throughput time, a reduction of non value adding operations and stocks of finished goods. In the same way, the solutions increase the delivery service, quality assurance and the factory profitability.
As the innovator of modern conveyor systems, FlexLink offers a wide range of conveyor systems to meet needs in different industries, from tissue converting lines, food packaging lines to machining lines for gear wheels. A broad standard range and well developed components and functions serve for a long and trouble free service life.
FlexLink offers pallet systems for machining and assembly lines, when single piece flow is required. With proven handling functions, sophisticated production lines are easy to build with a minimum of construction and ramp-up time.
With the distributed line control, conveyors and functions are controlled for perfect line balancing, dynamic accumulation and gentle product handling. It is based on standardised modules allowing easy line modifications and extensions over time.
Youtilize®, our manufacturing execution system (MES) for machining and assembly lines gives you full control of the production process, and full traceability of the products.
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Fax: +46-31-337 22 33