Lödige supplies high-grade components, subsystems and services for technical processing
applications in a wide range of industries, specializing in the fields of mixing, granulating, coating, drying and reaction. Their profound knowledge of processes, development and production enables them to contribute to the success of their partners throughout the world.
Lödige, founded in 1938, is a family-run business into its third generation and is still a decisive influence on industrial mixing technology. The invention of the Ploughshare® Mixer provided the industry with a high performance mixer that could cover a wide range of different mixing applications due to the special mixing principle of the mechanically generated fluid bed.
More than 30.000 machines of this kind are now in operation worldwide. These are not used purely for mixing processes, but also for other necessary process steps such as moistening, agglomerating, compacting, reaction and drying.
The DRUVATHERM® series, based on the Ploughshare® Mixer, is available for chemical reaction and drying technology, whereby process steps can be run under controlled conditions.
In particular DRUVATHERM® VT Vacuum Dryers are available in Pharma Design. In addition drying technology for pharmaceutical applications is covered by Fluid Bed Processors of the LFP series
MGT and MGT-S vertical mixing systems are used for special mixing and granulating processes in addition to high-speed, ring layer mixers in the CoriMix® CM series, and Lodige’s highly adaptable LHC units are available for coating processes.
For processing semi-solid products requiring high quality mixes and for homogenisation Lödige offers the Dispersing Mixer LDM.
The company operates worldwide and their customers enjoy the support of a wide net of affiliated companies, field offices and representatives. Their process-orientated thinking both within the company and in the field, combined with active cooperation on all projects, keep Lödige in close contact with their customers.
Lödige customer-orientated systems for use of the following product groups:
During the phases:
Lödige’s quality management system assures the maintenance and further development of specified quality targets for engineering, manufacturing, sales, installation and servicing of their machines.
The quality of Lödige machines is documented by the following certificates:
In addition to this Lödige also manufacture their machines to comply with the frequently restrictive regulations of large, international concerns. In the case of foods and pharmaceutical systems, in addition to the GMP and FDA regulations, they also adhere to the specifications for qualification and validation.
Reputed companies have put their faith in Lödige’s processing and system technology for the manufacture of their quality products. Their top quality, high availability and maximum service life span of Lödige’s systems provide the producers with optimal security for their investment.
Gerbruder Lodige
Maschinenbau GmbH
Elsener Strasse 7-9
Tel: +49 5251 3090
Fax: +49 5251 309 123
Email: info@loedige.de
URL: www.loedige.de