PJC Pharma Consulting provides formulation development consulting, for all dosage forms including parenteral, topical and solids oral forms. Also good manufacturing practice (cGMP), good laboratory practice (cGLP) and good clinical practice (GCP) compliance audits.
PJC Pharma Consulting provides formulation development consulting, for all dosage forms including parenteral, topical and solids oral forms. Also good manufacturing practice (cGMP), good laboratory practice (cGLP) and good clinical practice (GCP) compliance audits.
The company provides customer-focused pharmaceutical consultancy services including:
• Formulation development consulting
• Generic portfolio development
• Device development
• Quality by Design (QbD)
• Critical process reviews
• GMP, GLP and GCP audits
• Advice on ADME studies
• Training
• Project management services
PJC Pharma’s lead consultant Paul Cummings is a Chartered Biologist, fellow of the Society of Biology, chartered scientist and European Professional Biologist. In addition to having a wealth of knowledge and experience in the development of oral dosage forms, Paul is an industry-wide recognised expert in the development of parenteral products.
The company has worked with clients in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Bangladesh, India, Russia and the US across a range of projects. Its consultants have combined worldwide experience.
When you contact PJC Pharma Consulting, you can be assured of a high-quality, pragmatic solution whatever your pharmaceutical issue or training needs.
PJC Pharma has vast experience of hosting meetings with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), FDA pre-approval inspections and Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) inspections.
The company is also experienced in leading multinational teams based in Japan, the EU, the US, and other international markets for the development of products for worldwide commercial markets.
PJC Pharma has broad international experience of product transfers, manufacturing and registrations, as well as specific experience of transferring projects and technology in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, North America, South America, Japan and Australia.
Click on the products and services tab to learn more about what PJC Pharma Consulting offers.
Paul Cummings
PJC Pharma Consulting Ltd
17A Cleves Road
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7774 841319
Phone: +44 1440 702696
Email: pjcpharmaconsulting@ymail.com
Website: www.pjcpharmaconsulting.com