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CollaGenex awarded grant for anti-inflammatory research

The US National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant of approximately $962,000 to CollaGenex for additional research into the potent anti-inflammatory effects of incyclinide, the company's compound currently in phase II clinical trials for the treatment of acne.

The grant will be paid over two years and will support CollaGenex’s manufacturing and formulation development of incyclinide as well as preclinical studies that should advance the company’s understanding of incyclinide’s potent anti-inflammatory properties.

“This NIH grant adds another layer of credibility to the potent anti-inflammatory activities of incyclinide,” commented Dr Klaus Theobald, chief medical officer of CollaGenex. “In clinical studies of patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma and rosacea, we saw dramatic improvements in these inflammatory disorders in patients administered incyclinide. This NIH grant will help us better understand incyclinide’s mechanisms of action and its potential to treat acute inflammatory conditions.”

The study is to be lead by Gary Nieman, a research collaborator from the State University of New York, and Dr Jay Zwischenberger, a research collaborator from the University of Texas, Galveston.