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Osta researchers show potential of peptide in bone formation

Researchers from Osta Biotechnologies have demonstrated the ability of hormone related peptide to aid bone formation; a discovery that could form the basis of new osteoporosis treatments.

The researchers used a mouse model to show that the parathyroid hormone related peptide derived from bone forming cells is a potent peptide for bone formation.

The investigators further showed that the peptide (PTHrP) modifies the therapeutic efficacy of administered human PTH 1-34, a peptide similar in structure to Forteo, the only bone anabolic agent approved by the FDA currently on the market for the treatment of osteoporosis.

“We are very pleased with these findings demonstrating a previously unrecognized capacity of the PTHrP produced within the skeletal microenvironment to regulate bone turnover, to empower the process of bone formation and to influence the anabolic properties of administered Parathyroid hormone,” commented Dr Andrew Karaplis, Osta’s president and chief scientific officer.