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Siga to collaborate with St Louis University over smallpox drug

Siga Technologies has entered into a $1 million National Institutes of Health funded agreement with Saint Louis University for the continued development of Siga's smallpox drug.

Under the agreement, Siga will receive approximately $1 million to support specific aspects of the preclinical development of Siga’s oral anti-smallpox drug Siga-246.

Smallpox is considered one of the most significant threats for use as a biowarfare agent due to the fact that people in the US have not been vaccinated against it since 1972. The disease is very easily transmitted from person to person, and has high mortality rates (30-60%) with 90% morbidity.

“We are delighted to have this opportunity to expand the scope of our relations with Saint Louis University” said Dr Dennis Hruby, chief scientific officer of Siga. “Saint Louis University and its scientific team are playing a central role in helping to advance Siga-246 through development.”