Advertisement Positive results for OncoGenex drug in early prostate cancer trial - Pharmaceutical Business review
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Positive results for OncoGenex drug in early prostate cancer trial

Data from a phase I study of OncoGenex Technologies' OGX-011, a cancer drug found to sensitize tumours to standard therapy, suggests that the drug is well-tolerated and reduces clusterin expression in primary prostate cancers in humans.

Clusterin is a protein found in tumor cells that, when overexpressed, causes resistance to cell death induced by standard anticancer therapies.

The study concluded that OGX-011, targeted to clusterin, can be safely given to humans in therapeutic doses that inhibit clusterin expression in cancer tissues, resulting in increased cancer cell death. Primary and secondary objectives were achieved with statistical significance of OGX-011 in prostate cancer.

“We were initially pleased to have observed such exceptional results from preliminary phase I data presented at ASCO 2004, and we are now thrilled to have achieved both primary and secondary endpoints of OGX-011 in the final data set,” said Scott Cormack, president and CEO of OncoGenex. “The data presents strong support for moving forward in phase II studies already underway. We are particularly excited to have confirmation from these findings that increasing doses of OGX-011 is associated with a statistically significant increase in cancer cell death.”