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Orthopedic surgeons move away from prescription painkillers

For the millions who suffer from minor arthritis pain, specialists say an over-the-counter painkiller can be an effective alternative to prescription medication. According to new survey results, 70% of orthopedic surgeons say they recommend over the counter painkillers most often as a first line treatment option to their patients.

The survey, a collaborative effort by colleagues at Florida Hospital, was conducted to measure how recent negative news about the safety of prescription pain relievers has affected the way orthopedic surgeons recommend medications for minor arthritis pain.

Last year, Merck voluntarily withdrew its prescription arthritis painkiller, Vioxx, from the market after it was shown to produce a higher risk of cardiovascular problems in patients. This development has cast doubts about the entire family of COX-2 inhibitor drugs, of which Vioxx was one.

“Given all the recent negative news, I think physicians are being more cautious about using prescription pain relievers that may increase their patients’ risk for serious health issues,” said Dr Dore medical director of The Joint Replacement Centerat, Florida Hospital.

Almost all of the specialists surveyed report that they have decreased their use of COX-2 prescription medications and increased their use of OTCs.