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Adherex anticancer trials gather momentum

Adherex Technologies has expanded a phase II clinical trial of ADH-1, a molecularly targeted anticancer drug that selectively targets N-cadherin, a protein that plays a major role in holding together and stabilizing cells that make up blood vessels and certain tumor cells.

The expansion of the trial sees the initiation of studies in two new centers; these are Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, Canada, and Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. These will add to studies already on-going in the US, Europe, and Canada.

The study, which was launched in May 2005 at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, is designed to evaluate the anti-tumor activity and tolerability of repeated doses of ADH-1 on an every three-week schedule in patients whose tumors express the molecular target N-cadherin.

“We are building additional momentum in the development of our lead biotechnology compound, ADH-1, with the addition of two more sites to our Canadian phase II trial as planned. Altogether, our phase Ib/II and phase II studies will provide important information regarding the optimal dose, dose schedule and tumor types for future phase III ADH-1 trials,” said Dr William Peters, chairman and CEO of Adherex.

Global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has demonstrated its interest in ADH-1 by acquiring an option to in-license the drug.