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NPI to market Creative Medical Health’s bionutraceutical products

US-based biotechnology firm Creative Medical Health has entered into an agreement with Nutritional Products International (NPI) to market and distribute its line of Bionutraceutical products in the US and internationally.

NPI markets and distributes nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, skin care products and more, both in the US and international markets.

Creative Medical Health chief executive officer Timothy Warbington said: "We’re excited for the opportunity to work with NPI to expand our sales and our brand reach.

"With NPI’s experience and extensive retail relationships, our Bionutraceutical® brands can achieve new heights, which is an incredible asset to our company."

Currently, Creative Medical Health has 14 products in several stages of development, clinical trials and commercialization.

The company started formulating its scientifically based 100% natural products under its Bionutraceutical trademark.

All of the Bionutraceutical products are the result of extensive research from medical and scientific experts in the fields of regenerative medicine, led by University of Utah Dr Amit Patel.

The company’s first two immediate commercial offerings, natural sleep-assisting (Natural Rest) and anti-anxiety (Tranquil Life) products, are specifically formulated to naturally aid the body in relaxing the CNS, which will help in managing anxiety and loss of sleep.