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Alternaturals announces exclusive new products and marketing strategy

Alternaturals, has announced the release of new solutions to both weight loss and testosterone replacement therapy. Additionally, further details in regards to their affiliate marketing strategies have officially been disclosed.

"The astronomical rate of obesity is unfortunate, but as a business; it’s something ANAS can capitalize on. We can’t control the world’s eating and activity habits but that doesn’t mean we can’t assist in helping to fight the global weight epidemic in our own way. "Cellurite" is ‘that way.’ We’ve composed a propriety formula we’re ecstatic about and will be prepared for retail very shortly. I’m extremely proud of the fact that we’re able to provide this option to those becoming more health conscious." Says Matthew Briggs, CEO

"Cellurite" will utilize a blend of various proven fat burning natural ingredients such as L-Carnitine, Cayenne Pepper Extract, Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Yohimbine.

Furthermore, ANAS intends on releasing "Priapin." It will utilize the many benefits of D-Aspartic Acid along with a blend of vitamins, herbs and minerals. "All men inevitably experience decreasing testosterone levels with age. Not only does this lead to decreased libido, but also a much bigger issue; energy and focus.

We’re all still waiting for the discovery of the Fountain of Youth but until then we will keep our male customers placated with "Priapin." Says Matthew Briggs, CEO.

In addition, the ANAS website redesign was finished in record time. The new, more efficient website will allow Chief Technology Officer, Mark Tiarra the ability to accelerate progress towards completion of the affiliate program.

"The team has really pulled together to get this ready and I’m proud of the result. I think it conveys the personality of this company and our commitment to providing a real, high quality product. I want our digital face to be as good as our natural one," said Mr. Tiarra, CTO.

Mr. Briggs further adds, "Not only has the affiliate program offered ANAS an incredible avenue for revenue, but it’s also assisted in product creation. Our large affiliates are currently selling fat loss and testosterone boosting products and requested we release our rendition. Without their suggestion and proven sales history within these niches, we wouldn’t have conceived our two latest products. The synergy will be truly incredible."