Founded in 1999, Anoto Group AB is the pioneering leader of Digital Pen & Paper technology that optimises paper-based processes by rapidly and reliably converting handwritten text from paper to digital media.
Digital pen and paper allows you to work as usual without having to change operational routines. It’s as easy to use as a normal pen and paper, hardly any training is required, the investment costs are low and the system is easy to implement. Among the benefits of the technology are more efficient paper-based processes, reduced risk of error, improved productivity and noticeable cost savings.
The most important end-customer markets are the healthcare and clinical trials sectors, but there are also a number of digital pen solutions for inspections and reporting, for example in real estate, insurance and government. Within healthcare, digital pen and paper is used to simplify administrative routines and for documenting and assuring the quality of healthcare interventions. In the pharmaceutical industry digital pen and paper is used for documentation of data in clinical trials, data entry for the distribution of drug samples and streamlining of ordering processes.
Anoto Group is divided into three application areas:
Anoto Products focuses on systems, products and services, primarily in the field of forms processing. Anoto employs an indirect business model and markets its products through a global network of more than 300 partners, such as system integrators, software developers and IT consulting firms.
Technology & Licensing develops and sells digital pen technology and digital pens on an OEM basis to market leading customers. Examples of customer products are learning toys, educational tools, visual communication equipment and personal productivity solutions.
Imaging Technology develops and markets basic Anoto technology, such as ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) and IP blocks.
Today Anoto holds more than 200 patents worldwide and employs approximately 110 people through its offices in Lund, Sweden (head office), Boston and Tokyo. Anoto Group AB is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic small cap list under the ticker ANOT.
Anoto Group AB
Emdalavägen 18
SE 223 69 Lund
Tel: +46 46-540 12 00
Fax: +46 46-540 12 02
Contact us here: http://www.anoto.com/contact