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Membrane Proteomics

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LOGOPHARM GmbH provides specialised services in proteomic target and biomarker R&D with a strong focus on membrane proteins and antibodies.

Founded in 2005 as a spinout of the University of Freiburg, Germany, the company combines most advanced technology and instrumentation with long-term experience in membrane protein analysis and molecular physiology to tackle even the most challenging targets, like ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors or other membrane receptors and transporters. Molecular characterisation of these targets delivers relevant information for drug development, such as post-translational modifications, subunit composition, interaction partners or changes in abundance.

Advanced proteomic approach

The underlying proteomic approach is distinct from current high-throughput technologies that are based on recombinant systems and therefore suffer from high error rates, in that:

  • We use native tissues and cells as source material to isolate protein isoforms and assemblies forming under physiological conditions
  • Our biochemical tools (solubilisation conditions and antibodies) and protocols are thoroughly characterised and selected to optimally suit each target protein
  • Proteins are analysed by quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for comprehensive identification and evaluation of specificity as well as abundance

The leading performance of our technology has been well documented in numerous scientific publications.

Customers and partners may also benefit from our large internal database (more than 2,000 fully MS-analysed affinity purifications of membrane proteins and their interactors, covering a major portion of the mammalian proteome), our network of distinguished scientific collaborators, and reasonable policies concerning pricing and deal structures.

Logopharm GmbH
Schlossstr. 14
79232 March-Buchheim

Tel: +49 761 2035127
Fax: +49 761 2035191

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Membrane Target and Biomarker Research

LOGOPHARM has developed a number of techniques and tools to overcome current limitations in membrane target and biomarker research

Searching for interaction partners or signalling pathways linked to your target? We offer the CompleXio platform that has been specifically designed for identification of protein-protein interactions in native tissues and cells. It is based on native solubilisation of protein complexes followed by affinity-purification with multiple antibodies and stringent controls (preferably including target knockouts), identification by…
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