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April 6, 2020

Multi-Task Intense Pulsed UV Light System for Air and Surfaces

Capable of reaching 6 logs sterilization of ALL micro-organisms in several seconds.
pharmacuetical business review



Wek-Tec offers customized sterilization or modification pilot and R&D systems using:

  • Intense Pulsed Light with a customer-defined spectral output.
  • UV LED’s with 265nm, 273nm and 305nm, each with about 10nm spectral width.
  • High Voltage Pulsed Electrical Fields (PEF) with 5kV to 35kV/cm fields.
  • Vortex UVC /UVB technology for uniform powders with UV-LEDs,  flash lamps, and low pressure CW lamps.
  • Pulsed magnetic fields of up to 35-40 Tesla for bio-medical and material development.

Some examples for using these systems:

  • Up to 6 logs fast sterilization including UV-resistant B. Pumilos spores.
  • 6 logs sterilizing contact lenses in UV transparent packs.
  • Sterilising various packs.
  • Sanitising juices with PEF systems.
  • PEF assisted extraction of natural colors or juices from otherwise hard to extract plants.
  • Powder sanitation for R&D.

Advantages of using wek-tec R&D and pilot systems:

  • These are user-friendly systems, customized to meet all required R&D objectives.
  • Broad range of process parameters to select from simple controls on the front panel.
  • Easy sample handling.
  • No harmful by-products, neither UV and electro-magnetic leaks to outside.
  • Competitive costs.
  • Evaluation tests and after-sale customer support.

Powder sanitisation technology

wek-tec came up with the next advance in the powder sanitation technique with the UVC light plus also with a low-intensity IR for uniform and non-uniform powders. Interested parties are welcome to apply for tests at our facilities at reduced by 50% evaluation rates.

Contact details

wek-tec e. K.
D-78244 Gottmadingen

T: +49 (0)172 70844 37,

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Multi-Task Intense Pulsed UV Light System for Air and Surfaces

Capable of reaching 6 logs sterilization of ALL micro-organisms in several seconds.
6th April 2020
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