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How Thermal Analysis Helps in the Pharmaceutical Development

Thermal analysis methods, in particular DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), provide valuable information for the development, pre-formulation and quality control of pharmaceuticals. These techniques are capable of determining fundamental physicochemical properties of APIs and excipients such as melting points, heats of fusion or glass transition temperatures; polymorphic behavior, as well as thermal stability, can be investigated and – in combination with gas analyzing systems – residual solvents or the water content of hydrates can be detected.

The NETZSCH Nevio line is an instrument series specifically designed for testing pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food. It comprises the latest in DSC and TGA technology working in line with 21 CFR Part 11.

Using selected examples, the webinar introduces the thermal analysis methods DSC and TGA, sheds light on 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and provides a compact overview of the broad application range of the NETZSCH Nevio instrument line in the pharmaceutical field.

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