Resolver supplies brand protection, counterfeit prevention and incident response software to improve security operations in the pharmaceutical industry.
The company helps security teams in the medical sector understand what’s happening across the global supply chain by combining incident capture/reporting, investigations management, Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM), and physical site assessments in a single application.
Alarm management and officer dispatching can also be connected to the application for quicker response and recovery.
With accurate and centralised data, organisations can avoid risk of brand-damaging incidents.
Resolver helps companies achieve a fully documented record of incident events to increase brand protection.
Employees can easily collect data such as what products, people and locations were involved. This helps form an accurate report of the potential risks.
Resolver’s dynamic forms and automated triage process ensures the right information is captured based on incident type such as theft, trespassing, counterfeit drugs and compliance violations. Incident data can then be escalated for investigation through automated workflows and notifications.
Resolver provides supply chain management solutions for international operations. The company locates information about specific locations and visualises relationships between incident types, specific products and involved people to help customers identify areas of high risk.
This insight into supply chain operations allows clients to invest in the appropriate security controls and resources to prevent incidents from happening.
Resolver prevents incidents from being escalating to investigations by raising risks to clients in a timely manner. The software’s alarm management, computer-aided dispatch and incident reporting functionality allows facility owners to streamline operations for quicker response.
Clients can easily see who is available to respond to alarms and incidents using real-time maps, which is suitable for when US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulated areas are at risk.
The officer mobile application provides clients with quick communication with their guards and allows them to easily report incidents and obtain investigation details from the field.
Resolver helps the world’s leading organisations reduce the frequency and severity of negative events. Security professionals use the software to provide actionable insights and control operational costs.
More than 1,000 organisations worldwide depend on Resolver’s security, risk and compliance software. Around one million people use the tools each day.
Resolver serves customers across a number of industries, including pharmaceuticals, healthcare, hospitals, academic institutions, airports, utilities, manufacturers, hospitality and retail.
111 Peter St., Suite 804
Toronto, ON
M5V 2H1
T: +1 888 316 6747
E: info@resolver.com
W: www.resolver.com
1200-10025 102A Ave NW
T5J 2Z2 Alberta
WeWork c/o Resolver
3rd Floor (office 3050)
199 Bishopsgate
United Kingdom
6/112 High Street
Rangiora 7400
New Zealand
707 Virginia Street, Suite 1000
WV 25301
United States of America
1250 Borregas Ave, Suite 138
CA 94089-1309
United States of America